網上公開講座: 巴士迷與文化保育
日期及時間: 2025年4月14日 | 晚上8時-9 時30分| (香港時間)
林兆榮 (藝術家、香港恒生大學藝術及設計系講師)
主持:李祖喬 (文化及宗教研究系研究助理教授)
登記: https://cuhk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_imhefy_rTaGDOyMZAjL56Q
林兆榮是藝術家,畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,於香港中文大學取得跨文化研究碩士學位,現時於香港恒生大學任教藝術及設計。他的創作橫跨視覺藝術、小說與散文寫作、平面設計、行為藝術、繪畫及插畫等,曾受邀赴丹麥自由城及韓國南松藝術博物館進行創作。他現為《明報星期日生活》的插畫與散文專欄作家,探討流浪、移動性及交通工具文化的研究。其作品《浪漫交通迷解碼》(2025) 剛剛出版。
曾嘉軒是倫敦大學金匠學院創意與文化企業研究所(ICCE)的博士候選人。他的論文探討「巴士迷」形成的根源及追求。他於劍橋大學取得社會學哲學碩士學位,論文討論「新倫敦巴士」在物質文化、都市漫遊、懷舊、城市品牌及旅遊等方面的意涵。他在此之前畢業於香港大學,主修社會學及比較文學。他的學術著作見於Urban Studies 和 Applied Mobilities。
主辦: 香港中文大學文化研究中心
Online Public Lecture: Bus Enthusiasm and Culture Preservation
In an era when many cultural objects are rapidly disappearing, how do ordinary people perceive and make sense of their own cultural heritage? In recent years, public transportation has increasingly been discussed as a form of “everyday heritage” or “ordinary heritage”—public spaces frequented daily by numerous citizens, generating diverse experiences and feelings, and serving as aesthetic mediums through which travelers encounter a place. Although these spaces do not fall under traditional definitions of cultural heritage and are rarely taken seriously by experts, they have inspired passionate actions among transportation enthusiasts. In this sharing session, we have invited two experienced bus enthusiasts to explore these issues from the perspectives of artistic creation, cultural studies, and public humanities.
Date and Time: 2025/4/14 | 8pm-9:30pm | (Hong Kong Time)
Language: Cantonese
Swing LAM (Artist, Lecturer, the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong)
Kevin TSANG (PhD candidate, Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE), Goldsmiths, University of London)
Moderator: Joseph Li (Research Assistant Professor, Dept of CRS, CUHK)
Registration: https://cuhk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_imhefy_rTaGDOyMZAjL56Q
About the speakers:
Swing LAM is an artist who graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University and holds a Master’s degree in Intercultural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is currently teaching Art and Design at the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. His creative practice spans visual arts, fiction and prose writing, graphic design, performance art, painting, and illustration. He has been invited to undertake artistic residencies at Christiania (Denmark) and Namsong Art Museum (Korea). He is currently a columnist for Sunday Ming Pao, contributing essays and illustrations exploring wandering, mobility, and transportation culture. His latest publication, Decoding Romantic Transport Enthusiasm (2025), has just been released.
Kevin TSANG is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE), Goldsmiths, University of London. His doctoral research investigates the origins and pursuits involved in the formation of “bus enthusiasm.” He earned his MPhil in Sociology from the University of Cambridge, where his thesis explored the implications of the “New Bus for London” in relation to material culture, urban flânerie, nostalgia, city branding, and tourism. Prior to this, he graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a double major in Sociology and Comparative Literature. His academic writings have appeared in journals including Urban Studies and Applied Mobilities.
Organizer: The Centre for Cultural Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong