Research and Other Projects

Digital Feminisms in Asia

Principal Investigator: Prof. TAN Jia 

September 2024 – May 2025 

Funding Source: Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH), CUHK 

Funding Amount: HKD 150,000 

Project abstract: 

The advent of digital technology has drastically changed people’s lives in Asia, particularly with the significant emergence of digital feminisms in arts, culture, and media. The proposed project, Digital Feminisms in Asia, aims to unite established scholars and postgraduate students exploring the intersection of digital technology and feminism into a research network based in Hong Kong. While several scholars within the CUHK Arts Faculty and beyond work on related topics, the interdisciplinary nature of the research project needs a platform to showcase ongoing research, mentor research postgraduate students, develop the pedagogy, and engage with the public. 

What is “New”? Evaluating Generative AI Across Disciplines 

Principal Investigator: Prof. Xuenan CAO

September 2024 – May 2025

Funding Source: Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH), CUHK

Funding Amount: HKD 146,000

Project abstract:

We study the impact of Generative AI on research culture across a broad spectrum of disciplines. The research group consists of scholars from cultural studies, English, translation, communication, law, math, and computer science. This group originated from an earlier half-day workshop “Evaluating GenAI” funded by CRS, the Center for Cultural Studies, and the CUHK library. This workshop provided an occasion for interdisciplinary dialogue: we had a panel of five
scholars from computer science, math, law, English, and cultural studies, who share knowledge of large language models but have contributions to this topic
from divergent perspectives. Certain common themes emerged at this workshop: for example, what counts as “new” and how AI models claim novel output. This is a main obstacle for developers of AI models and also a key question that the humanities knows best how to answer. We would like to follow-up with an
interdisciplinary research group, focused on a few related topics on the impact of generative AI on academic research and pedagogy across the disciplines of
humanities and social sciences.

Highlights of our previous event:

Impact Case Studies: Art and Social Change

Principal Investigator: Prof. LIM Kok Wai, Benny


Funding Source: Project Impact Enhancement Fund (PIEF), CUHK

Funding Amount: HKD 210,000

Project abstract:

This project will focus on arts for seniors and apply the research outcomes to specific projects in collaboration with an arts organization working with seniors in Hong Kong. The project has launched an open-access book project titled, Empower Arts, Animate Communities (co-edited by Benny Lim and Oscar Ho) in October 2021. The book documents all six editions of the Forum on Community Arts organized between 2014 and 2020. The comprehensive documentation includes the rationale of each forum and the summaries of the keynote speeches. Besides the documentation, the book has also included 13 new articles written by international scholars/practitioners on community arts. The project also led to the organization of two forums on art and social change in May 2021 and March 2022 respectively, where participants share their current practice and research on community arts as well as arts and ageing. The project will proceed to develop and document impact projects between 2023 and 2025.

Click here for details:  

“Bullet Screen” for Virtual Teaching and Learning: An Innovation for Online Collaborative Video Analysis

Principal supervisor: Prof. TAN Jia

Co-supervisors: Prof. CHUNG Peichi, Dr. LI Tiecheng

September 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023

Funding Source: Funding Scheme for Virtual Teaching and Learning, CUHK

Funding Amount: HKD 300,000

Project abstract:

The goal of this project is to develop and implement an online tool for video analysis as a virtual teaching and learning activity using the innovative function of “bullet screen”. Bullet screen, or danmu (彈幕), is a popular function in Asian video sharing websites where users can submit, view, and add textual commentaries flying in and out of screen like bullets while watching the videos online. The bullet screen as a learning tool enables students to watch the video at one’s own pace, pause anytime, and make comments in a virtual setting. Furthermore, it is designed to optimize collaborative online learning with video by encouraging interactions among students and between students and teacher while watching the videos as well as during face-to-face teaching by facilitate in-depth discussions of what was watched. The students can upload videos for others to comment on, which engages students to be partners in teaching and teaching development. As videos are increasingly effective across science, engineering, and humanities, this project serves as a pilot study that has the potential to be adopted by other courses university-wide for future uses. Ultimately, this project aims to develop a learning tool with bullet screen functions which is optimal for virtual as well as mixed-mode teaching and learning.

Click here for details:

Hong Kong Wet Market Go Plastic Free!

Principal Investigators: Prof. WU Ka-ming and Prof. CHAN King Chi

Co-organized by the Centre for Cultural Studies and the Centre for Social Innovations Studies, CUHK

May 2021- October 2021

Funding Source: Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office, CUHK

Funding Amount: HKD 37,500


Wet market is a treasurable local tradition and social space in Hong Kong that allows community members to trade fresh, healthy and affordable foods. However, single-use plastic bags are heavily and excessively used in wet markets without proper recycling and citizen awareness.

Currently there is a lack of legislation regulating the use of plastic bags in local wet markets. At the same time, there is little public education and research on the current situation of single use plastic bag wastage. For instance, how many single use plastic bags is used daily in wet markets in Hong Kong? One million each day or more? What is the pattern of usage? Do users put different produces in one large plastic bag or do they use several small plastic bags for different produces? How often do Hong Kong residents bring their own bags for grocery in the wet markets? If the majority of wet market users are domestic helpers and elderly, how can we communicate to them effectively? Also, how can we work with wet market traders and small business entrepreneurs to promote a plastic free wet market? A good SDG action on the local wet market will be successful if we can gather all the above information and related data.

Project objectives:

  • Involve CUHK members and community stakeholders to investigate the numbers, patterns, and users of plastic bag usage in local wet markets.
  •  Ensure the availability and sustainable management of use of plastic for all.
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and full and productive employment and decent work for all.
  • Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Click here for details:

Media coverage:
【明報副刊】星期日現場——買餸膠袋每日上百萬 點樣減? 

Archival work on Forum on Community Arts (2014-2020)

Principal Investigator: Prof. HO Hing Kay Oscar

February 2020 – May 2020

Funding Source: Chung Chi College, CUHK  Student Helper Scheme


Since 2014, MA in Cultural Management Programme, CUHK and the Centre for Cultural Studies, CUHK have been organizing a series of  forums on the topic of community arts. With the mission of exploring concepts, philosophies and the skills of implementation in community arts, the aim of this annual forum is to facilitate knowledge exchange between academics and practitioners, strengthen academic network between local and oversea scholars who are interested in community arts, encourage active participation, and to nurture new practitioners in this particular field. To document previous international engagements and discussions in the last six years, an archival project will be conducted to consolidate recordings, presentations, art works, short films and all related materials. This project aims to create an online archive for artists, practitioners, scholars who would like to yield recommendation for the development of local community arts projects and collaborations.

Online Database on Community Arts in Asia (Phase I)

Principal Investigator: Prof. HO Hing Kay Oscar

Funding Source: Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK

November 2016 – June 2018


Community art believes in bringing artistic expressions back to the peoples, with the objectives of animating and empowering individuals and communities of different histories, social, cultural and religious backgrounds, especially the marginal and underprivileged ones. Applying the commonly recognized forms of arts and crafts as well as cultural creative expressions such as rituals, symbols, oral histories and other forms of individual and communal expressions, community arts helps to build a sense of belonging, nurture creative expression and artistic pleasure, and to enhance the ability to reflect, articulate and to take initiative in creating a just, equal and compassionate society.

Community arts have always been an important cultural activity in Asia. Responding to critical issues such as social injustice and the drastic urban development, community arts experiences a rapid growth in Hong Kong in recent years. A research will be conducted with a focus on collecting information of case studies in community arts. It intends to provide local and overseas references for current and potential practitioners of the field and to serve as an initial step for further research in the field of community arts in Hong Kong and in the region. Primary research data will be collected and shared, with a focus on projects in Asia.