
182 Articles

Launch of “Community Arts Yellow Page” Website

The MA Programme in Cultural Management and the Centre of Cultural Studies,…


花千樹出版有限公司剛出版甄小慧老師專著《香港藝術管得掂——藝術行政人秘典》。這本書介紹藝術行政的理論與實踐,深入淺出解說藝術行政的日常—— 平日為展覽演出撰寫解說文章和場刊,為藝術家做藝團管理、後台製作、市場推廣、撥款申請、場地預訂之類,他們的日子是怎麼過的呢? 詳情請瀏覽:。

Prof. Chung Peichi on of Esport Gaming Network in East Asia at IAMCR 2017

Prof. Chung Peichi served as a speaker of  "The International Association for…

Prof. Katrien Jacobs on Pornography Research Ethics at AAS-in-Asia 2017 in Seoul, Korea

Prof. Katrien Jacobs served as a speaker of the association for Asian…



Prof. Cheung Lik-kwan on Bergson in China and ZHU Qianzhi’s Sentiment-only Theory at ACLA 2017

Prof. Cheung Lik-kwan will serve as a speaker of The American Comparative…

Prof. Lim Song Hwee on Soft Power and Cinema at University of Leeds 

Prof. Lim Song Hwee will serve as a keynote speaker at the…

Prof. Lim Song Hwee on the Exotic in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas at Royal Holloway

Prof. Lim Song Hwee will serve as a keynote speaker at the…

Prof. Wu Ka-ming on Waste Treatment in China at Duke Kunshan University

Prof. Wu Ka-ming served as a speaker of the conference on Environmental…