
182 Articles

Congratulations to Dr. Li Tiecheng on Obtaining a Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Li Tiecheng on obtaining a teaching award from the…

Dr. Christopher Patterson on Games in ISEA 2016

Dr. Christopher Patterson presented a paper ‘An Erotics of Playing: Using Barthes’…





Dr. Christopher Patterson on Sisterhood and Filipina Domestic Workers

Dr. Christopher Patterson has been invited to speak at Association for Asian…


胡嘉明教授與黃宗儀教授獲邀出席於2016年3月12日假台灣中興大學舉行的文化研究學會年會「跨/界:再訪文化研究的方法與實踐」。胡嘉明教授與黃宗儀教授於「圓桌論壇:跨界的文化研究教學現場:香港案例分享」發言,分享教學經驗;胡教授談「旅遊的教與學:立足本土香港社會」,黃教授論「 空間的文化研究教學:(後)雨傘運動的教學現場觀察」,兩位老師反思在地的文化研究教學方法。關於會議資訊,請瀏覽。

Dr. Christopher Patterson on Game Studies in Seattle, Washington

Dr. Christopher Patterson has been invited to speak at the 2016  National…

Dr. Christopher Patterson on Filipino Diasporic Culture at HKU

Dr. Christopher Patterson has been invited by English Society of the University…

Prof. Lim Song Hwee on “Little Freshness” as Soft Power

Prof. Lim Song Hwee has been invited by the Centre for China…