East Asian Visual and Material Culture has been manifested in contemporary art, popular culture, cinema, print and digital media, architecture, and sociocultural infrastructure. It encourages an interdisciplinary approach combining various critical and artistic perspectives such as cultural studies, history of art, race gender & sexuality studies, which has been reflected within the interpretation of historical, transnational, and contemporary visual regime. My research has been to frame an interrogation of various theoretical and qualitative methodologies pertaining to East Asian material and visual culture through, on the one hand, a combination of continental philosophy and postcolonial theory, and on the other, ethnographic approaches to media and historiography. Since the global K-Pop rage and its glocal cultural contents are concurrent with the rise of social media and transnational OTT platforms, as well as conventional mass media outlets around the world, a specific focus on the sociocultural trajectories intersecting with East Asian visual and material culture will be a positive asset to cultural studies scholarship, highlighting as it does key concepts of transnationalism, de-westernization, and political economies of soft power. I approach these subject matters of East Asian visual and material culture in a way that foregrounds the questions of modernity, postcoloniality, and contemporaneity in various Asian contexts such as sensorial modernity, Cold War propaganda culture, representation of animalized Other.
© Haegue Yang, Sonic Intermediates – Tripodal Shapeshifter after Ferlov Mancoba, 2021. Gift of the New Carlsberg Foundation, SMK National Gallery of Denmark. Photo: Anders Sune Berg. The artist has granted permission for the image to be used.
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