The Centre for Cultural Studies (CCS) was established in August 2014 by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) within the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies (CRS), replacing the Centre for Culture and Development (established in November 2008). The aim of the Centre is to serve as a platform for the promotion of research activities in the field of cultural studies.
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Date: 11 April 2025 (Friday)Time: 9am – 6pmVenue: 202 (2F) Cheng Yu Tung Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong Click here to…
網上公開講座: 巴士迷與文化保育 在很多文化物急速消失的時代,普通民眾如何理解自己的文化遺產?近年,公共交通工具成為愈來愈多人談論的「日常遺產」或「平凡遺產」--它們是很多市民每天都會出入的公共空間,衍生各式經驗和感受,也是旅客體驗一個地方的美學載體。它們不屬於傳統的文化遺產,鮮有專家認真討論,卻引來很多交通迷充滿熱情的行動。本分享邀得兩位資深巴士迷,從藝術創作、文化研究和公共人文學的角度切入探討。 日期及時間: 2025年4月14日 | 晚上8時-9 時30分| (香港時間) 講者:林兆榮 (藝術家、香港恒生大學藝術及設計系講師)曾嘉軒(倫敦大學金匠學院創意與文化企業研究所博士候選人) 主持:李祖喬 (文化及宗教研究系研究助理教授) 登記: 講者簡介: 林兆榮是藝術家,畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,於香港中文大學取得跨文化研究碩士學位,現時於香港恒生大學任教藝術及設計。他的創作橫跨視覺藝術、小說與散文寫作、平面設計、行為藝術、繪畫及插畫等,曾受邀赴丹麥自由城及韓國南松藝術博物館進行創作。他現為《明報星期日生活》的插畫與散文專欄作家,探討流浪、移動性及交通工具文化的研究。其作品《浪漫交通迷解碼》(2025) 剛剛出版。 曾嘉軒是倫敦大學金匠學院創意與文化企業研究所(ICCE)的博士候選人。他的論文探討「巴士迷」形成的根源及追求。他於劍橋大學取得社會學哲學碩士學位,論文討論「新倫敦巴士」在物質文化、都市漫遊、懷舊、城市品牌及旅遊等方面的意涵。他在此之前畢業於香港大學,主修社會學及比較文學。他的學術著作見於Urban Studies 和 Applied…
Decolonizing Global Health: Perspectives from an EpidemiologistDate: 7 April 2025Time: 4:00 – 5:15 PMVenue: LT4, Wong Foo Yuan Building (FYB)Registration:…
Date: March 28th-29th,2025Time: 9:30-17:30Venue: 209B (2/F), Cheng Yu Tung Building, CUHKRegistration link: The MA in Cultural Management (MACM) Programme…
Principal Investigator: Prof. LIM Kok Wai, Benny
Funding Source: Project Impact Enhancement Fund (PIEF), CUHK
Funding Amount: HKD 210,000
Project abstract:
This project will focus on arts for seniors and apply the research outcomes to specific projects in collaboration with an arts organization working with seniors in Hong Kong. The project has launched an open-access book project titled, Empower Arts, Animate Communities (co-edited by Benny Lim and Oscar Ho) in October 2021. The book documents all six editions of the Forum on Community Arts organized between 2014 and 2020. The comprehensive documentation includes the rationale of each forum and the summaries of the keynote speeches. Besides the documentation, the book has also included 13 new articles written by international scholars/practitioners on community arts. The project also led to the organization of two forums on art and social change in May 2021 and March 2022 respectively, where participants share their current practice and research on community arts as well as arts and ageing. The project will proceed to develop and document impact projects between 2023 and 2025.
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Principal supervisor: Prof. TAN Jia
Co-supervisors: Prof. CHUNG Peichi, Dr. LI Tiecheng
Sep 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023
Funding Source: Funding Scheme for Virtual Teaching and Learning, CUHK
Funding Amount: HKD 300,000
Project abstract:
The goal of this project is to develop and implement an online tool for video analysis as a virtual teaching and learning activity using the innovative function of “bullet screen”. Bullet screen, or danmu (彈幕), is a popular function in Asian video sharing websites where users can submit, view, and add textual commentaries flying in and out of screen like bullets while watching the videos online. The bullet screen as a learning tool enables students to watch the video at one’s own pace, pause anytime, and make comments in a virtual setting. Furthermore, it is designed to optimize collaborative online learning with video by encouraging interactions among students and between students and teacher while watching the videos as well as during face-to-face teaching by facilitate in-depth discussions of what was watched. The students can upload videos for others to comment on, which engages students to be partners in teaching and teaching development. As videos are increasingly effective across science, engineering, and humanities, this project serves as a pilot study that has the potential to be adopted by other courses university-wide for future uses. Ultimately, this project aims to develop a learning tool with bullet screen functions which is optimal for virtual as well as mixed-mode teaching and learning.
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