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Prof. Katrien Jacobs on “When Sex Toys Talk” at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Prof. Katrien Jacobs organized a panel and workshop “When Sex Toys Talk" in The Great Small: Gender Design Conference  on…


香港電台邀請林松輝教授於9月12日播放的節目《思潮作動》擔任嘉賓。林教授回顧香港同志電影節的歷史,並介紹不同類型的同志電影。林教授特別推介本屆香港同志電影節放映的《旁觀蘇珊桑塔格》,此片紀錄美國公共知識分子及女性主義者蘇珊.桑塔格的生平,談及她的寫作、行動及愛情。 http://programme.rthk.hk/channel/radio/programme.php?name=radio2/89&d=2014-09-12&p=3436&e=&m=episode

Prof. Lim Song Hwee on Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of Slowness at BFI Southbank

British Film Institution has invited Prof. LIM Song Hwee to give a lecture on Tsai Ming-liang and a Cinema of…