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Prof. Elmo Gonzaga on Movie Screens at National University of Singapore

Prof. Elmo Gonzaga has been invited to serve as a speaker of the 2nd SEAARC (Southeast Asia Architecture Research Collaborative)…

Prof. Chung Peichi on Digital Games at City University of Hong Kong

Prof. Chung Peichi will serve as a speaker of a public seminar “Current Perspectives in Game Studies” at City University…

Prof. Pang Laikwan on Copyright at Crossroads in Cultural Studies, 2016 at Sydney University

Prof. Pang Laikwan has been invited to be a spotlight speaker of the 11th International Conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies from…

Call for Paper Proposals: 2017 Young Scholars’ Forum in Chinese Studies

The Chinese University of Hong Kong-Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies and the Institute of Chinese Studies co-organize…



Call for Papers: Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL) Biennial Conference: “Text, Media, and Transcultural Negotiation” (June 21-23, 2017)

Call for Papers: Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature (ACCL) Biennial Conference: “Text, Media, and Transcultural Negotiation” June 21-23, 2017…





Prof. Cheung Likkwan on Philosophy of Life and Buddhism for Human Life and Prof. Wu Kaming on Volunteering and the Making of Citizens at St. Petersburg University

Prof. Cheung Likkwan and Prof. Wu Kaming have been invited to be a speaker of the 21st biennial conference of…


何慶基教授接受《立場新聞》訪問,既談新書《拆拆剪剪——何慶基展覽策劃故事》,回顧在港從事策展工作超過三十年的經驗,也談「滿城盡是策展人」的現象及隱憂。他提醒策展人演繹文化的角色,應當以展覽回應時代,提出新穎的文化視野。詳情請瀏覽訪問文章〈專訪何慶基:藝術行政不止賣飛 策展人須提出文化視野〉:https://thestandnews.com/art/%E8%AA%AA%E6%9B%B8-%E4%BA%BA-%E5%B0%88%E8%A8%AA%E4%BD%95%E6%85%B6%E5%9F%BA-%E8%97%9D%E8%A1%93%E8%A1%8C%E6%94%BF%E4%B8%8D%E6%AD%A2%E8%B3%A3%E9%A3%9B-%E7%AD%96%E5%B1%95%E4%BA%BA%E9%A0%88%E6%8F%90%E5%87%BA%E6%96%87%E5%8C%96%E8%A6%96%E9%87%8E/