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MCCC Creations 剛出版何慶基著作《拆拆剪剪——何慶基展覽策劃故事》。作者是香港極少數在政府藝術機制以外的全職當代藝術展覽策劃人,八十年代至今策劃過逾百個展覽。他在書中分享多年策展經驗的累積,闡述展覽策劃背後種種策略思維、掙扎、漫長協商和必須堅持的專業操守和價值。詳情請瀏覽:http://www.mccmcreations.com/#!oscarho-art-curatorship/clgg。

Prof. Katrien Jacobs on Chinese Pornosphere at AAS-in-Asia 2016

Prof. Katrien Jacobs was a speaker of AAS-in-ASIA conference “Asia in Motion: Horizons of Hope” at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan…

Prof. Chung Peichi on Regionalisation and Multiculturalism at Atılım University

Prof. Chung Peichi has been invited to attend an international symposium on Culture and Communication in Anatolia: Past, Present and…


張歷君教授將於2016年7月24日出席由香港文學生活館主辦的潘國靈新作《寫托邦與消失咒》對談會。他與詩人洛楓、作者潘國靈就《寫托邦與消失咒》對談,談小說的形式、寫作的世界、多重的悖論、消失的寓意、人物的同體與裂變等,也邀讀者即場交流,共話文學。活動詳情請瀏覽香港生活文學館的臉書及網站https://zh-hk.facebook.com/TheHouseOfHKLiteratureFooTak/ 或http://www.hkliteraturehouse.org/ 。

The Centre for Cultural Studies is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow

The Centre for Cultural Studies (www.cuhk.edu.hk/crs/ccs) seeks applications for one postdoctoral fellow position. Applicants should have (i) a PhD degree…


國立臺灣大學出版中心剛出版林松輝教授專著《蔡明亮與緩慢電影》。這本書可謂第一本探討緩慢電影概念、並論述當代電影文化中此一現象的著作,不僅從時間性來理解臺灣新電影的美學風格,更希望思考現實生活中對於時間的理解和態度,探索人類於二十一世紀如何生活的可能。詳情請瀏覽:http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010718440 。

Congratulations to Dr. Li Tiecheng on Obtaining a Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Li Tiecheng on obtaining a teaching award from the Faculty of Arts, the Chinese University of Hong…

Dr. Christopher Patterson on Games in ISEA 2016

Dr. Christopher Patterson presented a paper ‘An Erotics of Playing: Using Barthes’ “Texts of Pleasure” to Read Games’ in the…

